About Us

John D. Hagan is one of the nation's leading computer experts. He was responsible for engineering, directing, and managing PennNet, a large and complex data communication network at the University of Pennsylvania. John was the senior member of the team that researched, designed, and developed the network, and he earned the nickname "Father of PennNet."

As Penn's Director of Network Operations, he ensured the smooth daily operation of the network, which had more than 25,000 computers and extended to more than 100 buildings. He and his staff successfully installed approximately 500 network outlets and responded to approximately 100 service requests per month.

John has been a user of the Internet since 1978, and he continues to be an Internet pioneer. He is coauthor of Internet RFC1433, Directed ARP, which was published in March 1993 and is one of the selected documents that define and provide vision to the Internet's technical foundation.

John's own work has included contract consulting and planning for NASA and the early Space Shuttle program. John has been a high school educator, having taught programming to elementary-school children. During his student days at Penn, John was a physics intern for a neutrino astronomy project in the Black Hills of South Dakota.